Thursday, 15 August 2013

Suitcases and Zip-Lock Bags

Hello there again,

In just two days I will be jetting off over the Irish Sea to a not so little town called London with my cousin, Sorcha. There I will stay for five days hoping to add some experiences and stories to my life. There is a lot happening while I'm in London, meaning that anything can happen. A gathering of all my favourite YouTubers called Summer in the City will be taking place and although it is sold out and so we will miss the show, who knows what will happen? Perhaps I'll bump into Alfie Deyes and spill my Starbucks all over him as I rush around a corner. Or maybe I'll be standing behind Zoella or Louise from Sprinkle of Glitter in the queue at Boots. Needless to say, my eyes shall be peeled for any sight of Tyler Oakley or Casper Lee in Covent Garden.

Adding to the excitement, the premiere of This Is Us is in Leicester Square on the 20th of August. Yes, the cat's out of the bag, I am somewhat of a directioner. Not only that, but I have an even stronger love for their support act, 5 Seconds of Summer, and my cousin and I are hoping desperately that they will be in London for the premiere also. 

Aside from all this hopeful celeb-spotting which, let's be real, shall probably not happen, I am super excited to experience London properly. Yes, I have been there before, but it was with my Girl Guides and the trip just did not do London justice. This time, I am going with Sorcha, who's favourite city in the whole world is London, and is eager to help it impress me. 

So, of course, I have been packing and getting ready for it. Due to my extreme excitement for this trip, the planning has gone a little overboard in terms of lists and outfit planning. I will only have carry-on, and God bless me, I am travelling with Ryanair. I am risking it with a suitcase that is the exact measurements allowed by carry-on, meaning that I will most likely be received with some skepticism at the security gate in Dublin Airport. I have however, come up with some tricks to packing, which I hope to share with you all now. 

First of all, I am a huge fan of lists. An extreme fan, some might say. Therefore, I have written many drafts of what I will be bringing, and eventually have a final list. I have planned out everyday's outfit, avoiding as much unnecessary clothing as possible. I realise that this may sound as though I am going on an army mission, but with Ryanair, it basically is. 

Zip-lock bags. Zip-lock bags are a girl's best friend when travelling. I use them for carrying my makeup liquids, such as foundations, concealers and primers and then all of my other liquids like hair oil, cleanser, moisturiser and the like. Of course, for airport security, they have to be in clear bags so not only does this help prevent spillages but also helps to get through security quicker and without the judging eyes of people behind you in the queue. 

And finally, I have what I will be wearing on the flight and my handbag planned down to a tee. My handbag will be home to my book, iPod, phone, makeup and travel documents. I also like to bring hand cream (because it smells so good and makes my hands delightfully soft) and also my big, soft comfy jumper to throw on when I'm on the plane and feeling slightly chilly. I have planned to wear the comfiest outfit possible without wearing downright tracksuit bottoms. Leggings are my go-to clothing item for comfort and style, and I'll be wearing a simple checked shirt over it. And of course, my comfy, comfy, boots. So as you can see, my key word here is comfort haha. 

My handbag in-flight essentials!
So that's all for now, hopefully I will take note of all my days in London and then when I am back I will share my experiences with you! 


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